As a professional supplier of used bags, we offer a wide range of preloved bags including designer bags, branded bags, and leather bags. Our products come from top-tier cities in EU nd are of premium quality and fashion styles. We have a certified factory with 2 sorting lines and well-trained workers who handpick the best-used bags to tailor them to your markets. Our staff is highly efficient and ensures streamlined order processing, which results in a short lead time. Additionally, there is a dedicated inspector in each sorting line who guarantees that every used bag leaving our factory is of high quality. If you’re looking for wholesale second-hand bags, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Our container load ability is as follows:
– A 40ft container can hold over 24,000KG (650 bales of 38kg) of second-hand bags.
– A 20ft container can hold over 11,000KG (300 bales of 30kg) of preloved bags.